The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Business A security system is an essential investment for any business, as it helps to protect your employees, customers, and assets. Here is a guide

fire alarm system testing and inspections
Fire Alarm Inspection

How Often Should Fire Alarms be Tested?

At Callaway Security, we believe that fire alarm testing is vital for safety, and the answer is simple: fire alarms should be tested on a

Are Gas Fireplaces Safe
For Home

Are Gas Fireplaces Safe? Vent and Ventless Fireplaces

Gas fireplaces are generally safe when properly installed, maintained, and used according to safety guidelines. They eliminate common hazards associated with wood-burning fireplaces, such as

Atlanta Thanksgiving Safety Tips 2022
Fire Alarm Inspection

Atlanta Thanksgiving safety tips 2022

What comes across your mind when you think of Atlanta Thanksgiving? Maybe you’re thinking about traditions, all those delicious foods you can eat, or even

For Home

How to Keep Crime Out of Your Neighborhood

You might meet many people in the future, with the current housing market being so busy. Neighborhoods are constantly changing, whether you move to a

Why you should automate you home?

Smart homes are the future and home automation is the gateway. With the growing prominence of integrated devices, homeowners can conveniently control lighting, appliances, locks,

man watching home alarm footage for Home Security Systems Monitoring service
Home Security Monitoring

Do I Need 24/7 Home Security System Monitoring?

Yes, 24/7 home security system monitoring provides real-time protection, rapid emergency response, and peace of mind. When it comes to protecting our homes, we want