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Where To Place Home Security Cameras: Indoor and Outdoor

Where To Place Home Security Cameras
Where To Place Home Security Cameras

Installing security cameras around your home is one of the best ways to deter criminals and protect your property. But it’s important to carefully consider the placement of security cameras to maximize their effectiveness. This article will provide tips on the best places to install home security cameras, both indoors and outdoors.

Why Proper Security Camera Placement Matters

Strategically placing security cameras around your property is key to building an effective home security system. Security cameras placed in the right spots can help:

  • Deter criminals by making them think twice about targeting your home
  • Record clear footage of any suspicious activity
  • Cover vulnerable entry points like doors, windows, and driveways
  • Monitor high-traffic interior areas of your home
  • Catch criminals in the act if a break-in does occur

You want to position cameras to eliminate any blind spots in coverage. Optimal placement ensures your cameras can capture criminals approaching the house, trying to enter, and moving around the interior.

But improperly placed cameras with significant gaps in visibility make it easy for burglars to avoid detection. That’s why taking the time to carefully consider security camera positioning based on your home’s layout is so important.

Where To Place Outdoor Home Security Cameras

Outdoor security cameras are essential for monitoring the exterior of your home. Here are some of the best outdoor locations to install security cameras:


  • Front door – A camera covering your front door will record anyone who approaches and can capture criminals trying to force entry. Place the camera angled down above the door.
  • Back/Side doors – Don’t forget less visible entry doors that burglars often target. Install cameras overlooking back and side doors too.
  • Garage doors – Mount a camera high on the wall or ceiling pointing at your driveway to record anyone entering the garage.
  • Gate/Perimeter – Cameras placed on fence posts or exterior walls provide an early warning if criminals breach your property’s perimeter.

Areas Around the House

  • Driveway – A long-range camera monitoring your driveway can detect visitors arriving by vehicle.
  • Corner of house – Cameras positioned at house corners provide wide angle views of multiple sides of the home.
  • Backyard – Detect intruders approaching the back of your home. Position the camera high like on a second story roofline.
  • Patio/deck – Record any activity on outdoor living spaces attached to your home.
  • Pool – Cameras help secure isolated areas like pools located in backyards.

Tips for Optimal Outdoor Security Camera Placement

  • Place cameras 10-15 feet off the ground to make it harder for criminals to tamper with them.
  • Avoid obstructed views facing trees/shrubs that could block the camera’s line of sight.
  • Don’t point cameras directly at sunny areas that could cause backlighting and glare.
  • Use outdoor-rated cameras protected from weather and environmental conditions.
  • Consider extra lighting to illuminate camera views at night.

Where To Install Indoor Home Security Cameras

In addition to monitoring exterior entry points, indoor cameras provide critical visibility inside your home. Here are effective spots to place indoor security cameras:


  • Front door – Have a camera cover the front door both inside and out. The indoor view lets you see visitors and record break-ins.
  • Back/side doors – Monitor other doors leading into the house besides the front entrance.
  • Garage door entry – Record anyone entering through the door from the garage, which burglars often use.

High-Traffic Areas

  • Foyer – The entry foyer inside the front door is a high-risk zone criminals target first.
  • Hallways – Long hallways give burglars access to multiple rooms once inside.
  • Staircases – Stairs provide access to upper levels with bedrooms and home offices.
  • Kitchen – Valuable appliances and lots of windows/doors make kitchens tempting targets.
  • Living room – Lots of windows/doors also make living rooms vulnerable.

Other Rooms To Secure

  • Home office – Cameras can identify thieves stealing laptops and other electronics.
  • Bedrooms – Record intruders entering bedrooms, especially master bedrooms with jewelry.
  • Nursery – Cameras provide extra protection for babies and young children.
  • Laundry room – Appliances like washers/dryers appeal to criminals. Deter theft with a camera.

Tips for Ideal Indoor Security Camera Placement

  • For small rooms like bedrooms, a single camera by the door may suffice.
  • Larger spaces usually require multiple cameras to eliminate blind spots.
  • Avoid pointing cameras directly at windows or exterior doors.
  • Keep cameras high to prevent tampering but low enough to capture faces.
  • Angle cameras so a criminal’s face is visible entering and inside the room.
  • Use indoor-rated cameras safe for mounting inside.

Security Camera Placement Laws & Best Practices

Keep these important legal considerations and best practices in mind when positioning security cameras:

  • Avoid pointing cameras at your neighbor’s house – This can violate privacy laws in some states. Only capture footage on your property.
  • Don’t point cameras at private bedroom/bathroom windows – Peeping tom and voyeurism laws apply. Keep cameras focused on approaches and entry points only.
  • Get consent before installing cameras in common areas of multi-family homes – Some states require consent from other residents.
  • Check local regulations for any restrictions – Some neighborhoods prohibit front door cameras or require signs if filming shared spaces.
  • Use high resolution/low light cameras – Capture identifiable faces and footage at night.
  • Consider wide-angle lenses – A wider field of view means fewer cameras needed for the same coverage.
  • Record and store video securely – Encrypted cloud storage protects footage from tampering.


Installing security cameras in the right spots is crucial for robust protection. Take time to evaluate your home’s unique layout and security risks. Position both outdoor and indoor cameras to provide overlapping views. Monitoring key entryways, high-traffic areas, and the full exterior ensures wide visibility. Reference this guide when deciding where to place your home’s security cameras. Proper placement provides peace of mind knowing your property has maximum video surveillance.

Contact Callaway Security for proper and optimal