7 Powerful Reasons To Test Your Fire Alarm System Right Now

7 Powerful Reasons To Test Your Fire Alarm System Right Now

You can secure your home against intruders and potential dangers in many ways – you can install a security camera system, remote control locks, or security automation. You can even install remote cameras to keep a watchful eye on your property. But, unless you install a fire alarm system you can never assume your home is completely secured. Furthermore, a fire alarm that doesn’t operate properly is equally as dangerous as no alarm.
Do fire alarm systems really save lives? According to the National Fire Protection Association and the U.S. Fire Administration, installing a fire alarm system in your home can reduce the risk of dying in a fire by 18%. A study conducted by U.S Fire Administration and National Fire Incident Reporting System showed that, between 2007 and 2011, more than 37% of all home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no fire alarm and almost 23% resulted from fires in homes in which fire alarms were not operating. Fire alarms are life safety systems, there’s no doubt there. However, it is extremely important to check and test them regularly in order to make sure they are effective and fully operational. If you haven’t tested your home fire alarm system or commercial fire alarm system in a long time, you should definitely call a safety and security professional and have them inspect your system right now. We will give you 8 powerful reasons to do so. Your fire alarm system has to be tested regularly. Here’s why:
  1. Fire alarm systems save lives
According to the National Fire Protection Association, most fire deaths are caused by smoke inhalation. Fire alarm systems are designed to alarm the occupants of a building as soon as the first hint of smoke is detected. This way, occupants will have enough time to safely evacuate the building, alert the authorities, and take action. A poorly functioning home fire alarm system can be truly damaging and cost the life of your loved ones.
  1. Save on home insurance
Home insurance companies keep track of how safe and protected your home is. A company can lower its insurance policy if you install an advanced security system, which helps you prevent home intrusion, fire, water damage, or other potential damages.
  1. Property loss can be reduced
Installing a home fire alarm system is a small investment, but can save a lot of money that can be associated with property loss. Make sure the home or commercial fire alarm systems are tested and cleaned regularly and they are fully functional. Fire-alarm  
  1. It will secure your property 24/7
Even if you are not home at the moment of the incident, the fire alarm system will go off, alerting the authorities, and the community that your property is in danger.
  1. Proper testing means maximum performance
Testing your fire alarm system will help you ensure that the system is working properly and that the integrity of the system hasn’t been compromised during installation.
  1. Prevent false alarms
Regular testing of home and commercial fire alarm systems can prevent false fire alarms and the associated costs. Some cities charge fines for these false alarms. Furthermore, if there’s a real problem, the fire department will lose time with a nuisance call.
  1. You are respecting the law
The law requires having your fire alarm system inspected regularly. NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code requires performing regular inspection, testing and maintenance of the fire alarm system, supervising station alarm system, fire warning equipment and so on.   If you don’t have a fire alarm system installed yet, check our top quality offers. Whether you are looking for a home fire alarm system or for commercial fire alarm systems, at Callaway Security, you can find a wide selection of alarm systems.  
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