For Beginners: A Simple Guide To Installing A Remote Control Light Switch

A Simple Guide To Installing A Remote Control Light Switch for Beginners

Picture this: you got all bundled up under the cover, the temperature is just right, not too cool, not too hot, and you found the most comfortable position ever when you suddenly realize you forgot to turn the lights off.

It happens to the best of us. The good news is that, with remote light control,  you can control your lighting system remotely from just about anywhere, so you won’t have to worry whether you turn the lights off when you leave home or the office.

Remote-controlled light switch

The remote-controlled light switch is one of the most popular home automation systems. One of its main benefits is that it allows homeowners to control the intensity and operation of the home’s internal and external lighting with the help of remote technology.

There are many options available when looking for a remote control light switch, but before deciding on one or the other, you should determine which control system is best for your home.

The most basic switcher will allow you to control lighting function and intensity from within the house. At the same time, the remote-controlled light switch can be operated wirelessly from your smartphone inside or outside the home. 

How to install a remote control light switch

This guide will teach you five easy steps to install a remote control light switch.

Step 1: Turn the power off

Turn off the breaker to any light switch where you plan to install a remote lighting system. To ensure the breakers are turned off, flip the breakers until the light goes off.

Step 2: Wire the Switch

Unscrew the light switch until the connections to the electrical wire are exposed. Disconnect the wires from the old switch and carefully remove them. Wire the new remote switch by attaching the electrical wires to it. Secure the component to the electrical box in the wall was just as you would do with a regular switch. Now, screw the cover plate.

Step 3: Mount the Receiver

Take down the globe from the lighting fixture and unscrew the fasteners holding the light fixture into the ceiling. Carefully pull out the fixture. Check the remote’s system manual or diagram and find the wires you need to connect with the receiver. It may not sound straightforward, but it’s just a matter of matching the right colors.

Step 4: Program the remote

First, turn the breakers back on. Then, proceed by turning the remote on. Consult the instruction and program the remote. Usually, all you have to do is hold down the LRN button it starts flashing.

Step 5: Test the remote

Ensure the remote control light is working correctly by turning the lights on and off a few times. If the system comes with a dimmer, check its intensity and function.

If you have questions about the light control or how the remote control light switch works, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Callaway Security, you can remotely control all your home or office lighting and motors with our controller.

Check out our offer today!

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