Why You Should Install A Remote Control Thermostat

Why You Should Install A Remote Control Thermostat

How can one reduce energy bills during winter?

This seems like one of the most pressing questions homeowners and building administrators have during winters. And rightly so! Figuring out how to rationalize your energy consumption and manage heat lost can be extremely irritating. And the same goes for cooling systems during summers.

While manually lowering the thermostat can seem like a valuable solution, on the long run is not that helpful. What happens if you are away and you suddenly realized you’d forgotten to turn down your home’s thermostat?

So, without further ado, let us present you the remote control thermostat.

What is a remote control thermostat?

A remote control thermostat is an intelligent device that can be controlled from just about anywhere from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Besides ensuring thermostat control, the right programmable thermostat can reduce energy bills and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling system.

By linking the remote control thermostat with the building’s motion sensors or your smartphone’s GPS, the device will know when you or other family members are not home or how far away, and can turn off or up the heating or cooling system based on this information.


Will it save me money?

You may have heard the remote control thermostat can help you save up to 20% on your energy bills. It makes sense if you think about it, but there’s a trick to it.

According to the Energy Information Administration, about 42% of home energy costs go to heating and cooling. A lot of these costs come from heating and cooling empty or unused spaces. Remote control thermostats can help you achieve thermostat control and reduce energy consumption, but only if they are used correctly.

  • During winter, set the thermostat for 68°F when you are awake and lower for when you are away or sleeping;
  • During summer, set the thermostat for 78°F when you are at home or at the office and turn it off when you leave;
  • Only heat the space you are using. If you spend most of your time in just two rooms, save energy and money by turning the heat off in the rest of the house/building.

A remote control thermostat can be a rather big investment, especially if you are a renter, but in the long run, it will only save you money. The right one can help you save around 18% on your annual heating bills.

At Callaway Security, we have a wide range of remote control thermostat that will make controlling your heating both efficient and easy.

We know that investing in a remote control thermostat is an important step and there is a lot to consider before choosing the right system for your home. This is why we are here to help you. Contact us and we will decide together which thermostat control system is the best for your needs.

Save money and increase energy efficiency with a simple tweak: remote thermostat control.


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