How To Protect Your Home From Burglars

How To Protect Your Home From Burglars
How To Protect Your Home From Burglars

Home security is vital for keeping our families and belongings safe. Burglaries most often occur when thieves spot an opportunity to enter through unlocked doors or windows, so taking preventative measures is key. In this guide, we will walk through steps everyone should take to avoid becoming an easy burglary target.

Identify Vulnerabilities

The first line of defense is assessing potential vulnerabilities in your home’s security. Methodically examine all outside areas and make note of issues like flimsy door or window locks, places an intruder could hide, etc. Checking thoroughly now prevents issues down the road.

We recommend a room-by-room inspection inside the house as well. Look in each closet, under beds, in basements, and anywhere else an unauthorized person could hide. Ensure no one is already inside or identifying hiding spots for later.

During the inspection, note what needs to change. For example, bushes growing high below windows should get trimmed back. Weak locks need replacing. Gaps along the bottom of garage doors should get blocked off. Addressing these vulnerabilities enormously decreases chances of a burglary.

Key Areas to Check:

Outside House

  • Door locks (replace weak locks)
  • Windows (replace flimsy locks)
  • Hiding spots (trim bushes, improve lighting)
  • Garage doors (add blocking at floor level)

Inside House

  • Closets and under beds
  • Basement
  • Attic
  • Areas behind furniture or boxes

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Upgrade Locks on Doors and Windows

Once vulnerabilities get assessed, the next critical step is replacing inadequate locks on all doors and windows. Most break-ins happen through weak locks that take seconds to compromise with basic tools.

Invest in solid deadbolt locks for exterior doors, preferably with long screws securing the lock plate firmly into the door frame. Ensure you have anti-pick pins and a guarded, encrypted keyway for maximum security. Select keyed-alike locks so one key opens your front door, side door, and garage door for simplicity.

For sliding doors, install high-quality track locks on both sides along with a slide bar lock into the frame – not just the flimsy latch into the door panel. Consult an expert to determine the best locks for your home’s sliding door configuration.

For windows, replace inferior latches with dual-locking mechanisms that secure both sides of the window tightly into the frame. Install stops so windows cannot open wide enough for a person to fit through. Secure basement windows with grates or iron bars if possible.

Recommended Locks:


  • Grade 1 or 2 Deadbolt Locks
  • Long screws into door frame
  • Anti-pick pins
  • Encrypted, guarded keyway

Sliding Doors

  • Dual track locks (both sides)
  • Slide bar lock into frame


  • Dual-mechanism locks
  • Stops to limit opening
  • Iron window bars (basement)

Utilize a Monitored Home Security System

Even if locks get upgraded, a good home security system brings essential 24/7 monitoring plus advanced sensors to detect break-in attempts. DIY systems cost less, but professional installation ensures things work smoothly. Monitoring plans are inexpensive for whole home coverage and police dispatch upon verified intrusions.

We recommend a system with door/window sensors, motion detectors, cameras, smoke detectors, etc. Positioning is key – put sensors on lesser-used doors that might get missed, cameras covering vulnerabilities like hidden house corners, motion detectors facing possible access points, etc.

Place conspicuous alarm system stickers around the exterior as a warning. Keep cameras obvious as an additional deterrent. The more visible the security system, the less appealing the house looks to potential burglars. They want an easy target, not complications.

Recommended Setup:

  • Monitored system with sensors, cameras, etc.
  • Door, window, motion sensors focused on vulnerabilities
  • Visible exterior alarm and camera stickers as warning
  • Easy control panel operation for whole family

Practice Strong Day-to-Day Prevention Habits

While locks and alarms provide essential security infrastructure, daily prevention habits keep everything protected over time. After the initial vulnerability assessment and system installation, ongoing diligence preserves your home’s safety.

Make a habit of keeping doors/windows locked at all times, even when at home. Do a quick check before bed each night to ensure everything got locked up. Promptly bring in ladders, tools, or anything else an intruder could use to gain entry. Pay attention if locks feel stickier or keys do not work smoothly in case tampering occurred.

When away on trips, create the illusion someone is home with smart plugs on lamps, a TV simulator device, parking a car where visible, etc. Stop mail/newspaper delivery to prevent pile ups signaling an empty house. Avoid discussing vacations openly or posting details on social media that could reveal extended absences to the wrong individuals.

Ongoing Prevention:

  • Keep doors/windows consistently locked
  • Quick nightly lock-up checks
  • Remove burglary tools (ladders, etc.)
  • Notice possible lock tampering
  • Use smart plugs, TV simulator when away
  • Stop deliveries and hide vacations

Incorporate Physical Security Barriers

For additional protection, incorporating barriers around the home’s perimeter boosts security exponentially. While locks keep doors secure, barriers make doors harder to reach and vulnerabilities less accessible.

Exterior motion sensor spotlights without overrides essentially “light up” prowlers. Large, loud dogs inside the house intimidate burglars and alert residents to disturbances. Tall barbed or razor wire fences prevent easy access, plus signal the property gets taken seriously.

Security master keys on all entry gates ensure outsiders cannot enter the grounds without permission. If building a fence seems infeasible, thorny bushes below windows or house exterior walls hinder movement quietly.

Recommended Barriers:

  • Sensor spotlights with no overrides
  • Tall barbed/razor wire fences
  • Large, loud guard dogs indoors
  • Thorny bushes below windows
  • Security entrance gate locks

Incorporate Smart Strategies

Finally, taking advantage of smart home innovations amplifies security considerably. Web-connected doorbell cameras double as extra alarms and watchdogs. Smart door locks allow remote check-ins and dynamic access permissions from anywhere.

Connecting lighting, thermostats and other systems to a home automation hub enables vacation mode shutting everything down with one click for extended absences. GPS asset trackers in valuables transmit locations if stolen for easier recovery.

We recommend interlinking security cameras, motion detectors, lighting systems and more on an app allowing customized monitoring. Review notifications of opened doors, triggering sensors, arriving packages, suspicious automobile cruise-bys and other unusual events.

Smart Strategies:

  • Web-connected video doorbells
  • Remotely accessible smart door locks
  • Automation hub with vacation mode
  • GPS trackers in valuables
  • Interlinked sensors/cameras on app


By methodically following these home security practices, everyone can effectively safeguard their property and belongings. Assess all vulnerabilities, eliminate issues through reliable locks and alarms, maintain diligent daily habits, incorporate physical barriers, and take advantage of smart innovations. Implementing these Positive protection measures provides essential peace of mind keeping your family safe in their own home.

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