Callaway Security: Benefits of Smart Home Monitoring Systems

best home alarms systems

At Callaway Security, we have been helping customers in the Alpharetta, GA area for years with modern cutting-edge smart home automation systems and security monitoring. Look for our low monthly subscription cost for home security systems that includes streaming video monitoring to your smartphone or mobile device.

Monitoring services provide more than one benefit for the modern family. As a state-of-the-art effective way to complement traditional infrastructure like locks and bars, monitoring goes beyond simple home protection to offer a range of values for equipped homes.

I Left the Stove On! Remote Safety Monitoring

More than a few of us can relate to having moments of flash panic while away from home because of concerns about the state of the property.

When no one is home, fire risk is a major concern on people’s minds. That may be from various things like lights left on, issues with wiring or space heaters, or anything else. Of course, it’s really not advisable to operate a space heater while you’re away from home in the first place.

The key here is that home monitoring provides a very easy practical solution for these fears and concerns. Just log on during your workday or other absence and see at a glance that the property is still in good shape.

Pet Monitoring

Many pets are perfectly fine being left at home for hours, but it gives the pet owner more peace of mind to be able to peer in and see what their fluffy companion is doing all day.

Again, this is as simple as hitting a few buttons when you have equipped your home with the proper types of practical monitoring solutions that Callaway Security provides.

Thieves and Vandals

In the old days, there was often a lot of consternation about things that happened during the night, or while someone was away. Who broke in or attempted to break in by jimmying the lock? Who broke a window? Who was active around the property when they weren’t supposed to be?

Monitoring systems go beyond the basics to help protect homes and businesses, aid legal discovery and put people’s minds at ease. Thieves and vandals are unmasked by a streaming video that catches them in the act. In many cases, this can actually prevent a wide range of crimes and nuisance behaviors.

Ask us about our smart home systems and everything we offer our customers in and around Alpharetta GA. We’re proud of the business that we have built and how we can help you get your security up to date.